LOCATION: Calgary, AB, Canada
YEAR: 2019
STATUS: Complete
Photos by Jason Petersson
Slice Laneway
What was originally a lot with an un-livable single-family home built in 1901, we added not only a new replacement home, Slice House, but an additional dwelling unit off the lane above the garage - gently increasing density in a contextually appropriate way. Laneways are becoming a more prominent housing solution whether it be for additional income, aged loved ones, a nanny flat or home office.
The laneway’s form is generated as an extension of the main house. The angular rear facade of the laneway house aligns with the angle of the house, which is due east. The two facades form a volumetric courtyard between the house and laneway.
The laneways’ front upper patio is its front porch. This urban design move is critical to the success of laneway developments. When future laneway homes completely line the alley, and the lane is a street, neighbours will all engage with each other and the street to maintain a level of surveillance. This small move will make the street more inviting, active, and safe for the overall betterment of the community.